Index to Common Names (A - K)

Jump to entries beginning with: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

albacore 338
false 317, 336, 337, 339
great 338
long-finned 317
alewife 86, 101
alligator fish 457
alligator fishes 8, 457
allmouth 532
amberjack 373
American conger 154
American dab 248, 253, 259
American eel 151
American goosefish 532
American John Dory 297
American pollock 213
American sole 296
anchovies 118
anchovy 118
striped 118, 119
angel shark 17
angler 532
deep-sea 543
anglers 532, 541, 542
deep-sea 542
Arctic eelpout 509, 516
Arctic sculpin 440, 453
Arctic shanny 492, 495, 497, 499
argentine 133, 139
argentines 139
armored sea robin 467, 471
armored sea robins 467
Atlantic halibut 249
Atlantic mako 23
Atlantic salmon 121
Atlantic slime eel 157

balloonfish 526
barn-door skate 57, 61
barracuda, northern 7, 306
barracudas 306
barrelfish 9, 369
basking shark 28
basking sharks 28
bass, channel 425
sea 389, 407, 424, 430, 473
striped 389, 405, 409, 417
wreck 409
basses, sea 389, 390, 410, 411, 417
bastard cusk 500
bellowsfish 526
bergall 473
big-eye, short 9, 410
big-eyes 410
big skate 58, 63
billfish 167, 170
billfishes 167
blackback 276
black-bellied rosefish 430, 437
blackbelly 106
black dogfish 17, 51
black drum 425
blackfish 407, 478
black flounder 276
black hake 221
black pilot 369
black ruff 9, 369, 370
black salmon 121
black sculpin 445
black sea bass 407
blenny, serpent 494
snake 491, 494, 497, 498, 499
blenny-like fishes 491, 502, 509, 518
bloody stickleback 311
blueback 106
blue dog 20, 38
bluefin tuna 338
bluefish 7, 383, 417
Boston 213
bluefishes 382
blue hake 173, 233
blue marlin 358, 360
blue mouth 437
blue perch 473
blue shark 17, 38
bluntnose 378
boar fish 9, 438
boar fishes 438
bone shark 28
bonito 336, 337, 339, 347
common 317, 337
oceanic 335
striped 317, 335, 336, 339
bonnet head shark 44
bony fishes 80
Boston bluefish 213
Boston hake 221
bramble shark 17, 56
bramble sharks 56
branch herring 101
bream, red 430
breams, sea 361
brier skate 58, 65
brit 88
broadbill 351
brook trout 120
brown shark 17, 26, 43
bullseye 333
burrfish 526, 527
butterfish 363, 411
butterfishes 363

Canadian Plaice 259
capelin 133, 134, 302
cartilaginous fishes 15
catalufas 410
catfish 503
spotted 507
cat sharks 34
cavalla 317, 347, 349
chain dogfish 17, 34
channel bass 425
chimaera 7, 79
chimaeras 79
chimaeroids 79
chogset 473
Christmas flounder 283
chub 162
chub mackerel 317, 333
clam cracker 74
coalfish 213
cod 173, 182, 196, 199, 203, 216
green 213
rock 182
tom 173, 183, 196
cod family 173
common bonito 317, 337
grenadier 243
hammerhead 45
mullet 305
mummichog 162
pipefish 312
sea robin 467
skate 63, 67
wolffish 507
conger, American 150, 154
conger eel 150, 154
congo eel 500, 510
cornetfish 316
cow hake 221
cow-nosed ray 58, 76
cow-nosed rays 76
crampfish 58
crevalle 372, 375, 376, 377, 383
croakers 417
Cuban jack 372, 378, 381
cunner 390, 407, 408, 427, 430, 473, 479
cunner tribe 417, 473
cusk 173, 238
bastard 500
cusk eel 7, 173, 517
cusk eels 517
cutlassfish 6, 350
cutlassfishes 350
cyclostomes 9
cyclothone 141, 146

dab, American 248, 253, 259
deep-water 274
European 259, 274
long rough 259
sand 290
daddy sculpin 445
deep-sea angler 8, 543
deep-sea anglers 542
deep-water dab 274
devil ray 57, 77
devil rays 77
dog, blue 20, 38
smooth 34
dogfish 47
black 17, 51
chain 17, 34
piked 47
shark 18
smooth 17, 34
spiny 17, 47, 185
dogfish shark 18
dogfishes, smooth 34
spiny 47
dollarfish 363, 378
dolphin 8, 360
dolphins 360
drum, black 425
red 425
drums 417, 418
dusky shark 17, 41

eagle rays 76
eel 150, 151, 492, 500
American 151
conger 154
congo 500, 510
cusk 7, 173, 517
European 151
fresh-water 151
long-nosed 150, 158
rock 492, 495, 497, 499
sand 488
sea 154
silver 151, 350
slime 150, 157
snake 150, 159
snipe 6, 150, 159
snub-nosed 157
wolf 509, 515, 517
eelback 283
eelpout 491, 510
Arctic 509, 516
eels 150, 487, 488, 517
cusk 517
moray 150
wolf 508
eel sucker 12
electric ray 58
electric rays 58
elver 151
escolar 7, 349
escolars 349
European dab 259, 274
European eel 151
European goosefish 534, 536
European hake 175, 177
European John Dory 297
European ocean pout 511, 513
European pilchard 115
European plaice 259
European pollack 213
European sea sturgeon 81
European silver hake 175, 177
European smelt 136
European turbot 290
eyed skate 63

fall herring 100
false albacore 317, 336, 337, 339
fat back 113
filefish 522, 523
orange 522, 524, 525
filefishes 520, 521, 525, 526
fish, alligator 457
balloon 526
barrel 369
bellows 526
bill 167, 170
black 407, 478
boar 9, 438
burr 526, 527
butter 363, 411
cat 503
cornet 316
cutlass 6, 350
dollar 363, 378
file 522, 523
flying 172
fool 283
frost 196
gar 168
ghost 500
globe 526
goat 305
handsaw 161
harvest 363, 368
hatchet 141, 149
headlight 141, 142
hog 524
horse 378
lancet 161
log 369
lump 459, 464
mink 423
monk 532
moon 8, 247, 378, 379
mouse 541
needle 6, 167, 170
oil 349
oyster 527
pilot 370, 372, 373, 375, 377
porcupine 527
rabbit 527
red 430
ribband 350
rock 389
rose 211, 390, 407, 408, 409, 430, 438, 473
rudder 369, 372, 373, 375
sail 358
sargassum 6, 541
scabbard 350
scour 349
snipe 301
sun 524, 529, 532
swell 526
tile 426
toad 439, 449, 518
trigger 520
trumpet 6, 316
unicorn 522, 524, 525
viper 145
weak 417, 424, 426
wolf 502, 503
wreck 389, 407, 409
fishes, alligator 457
bill 168
blenny-like 491
boar 438
bony 80
butter 363
cartilaginous 15
cutlass 350
file 520, 521, 525, 526
flat 6, 248
flying 171
grammicolepid 299
hatchet 149
head 528
lancet 160
lantern 141
luminescent 141
lump 459
needle 170
pediculate 532
pipe 312
porcupine 525, 526
rock 417, 430
rudder 369
sargassum 541, 542
snipe 301
spear 357
sword 351
tile 426
toad 518
trigger 520, 521, 522, 525
trumpet 316
viper 145
wolf 491, 502, 509
fishing frog 532
flatfish 276
flatfishes 6, 248
flounder 267, 276
black 276
Christmas 283
four-spotted 248, 260, 270
Georges Bank 249, 276
Gulf stream 294
pole 285
rusty 271
sand 248, 260, 290
smooth 249, 283
smooth-back 283
spotted 290
southern 269
summer 248, 260, 267
winter 249, 273, 276
witch 249, 285
flounders 248
fluke 267
flying fish 9, 172
flying fishes 171
flying gurnard 7, 172, 472
flying gurnards 472
foolfish 283
four-bearded rockling 173, 234
four-spined stickleback 307, 311
four-spotted flounder 248, 260, 270
fox shark 32
fresh-water eel 151
fresh-water herring 101
frostfish 196

garfish 167, 168
gar, salt-water 167
silver 167
gars, silver 167
gaspereau 101
Georges Bank flounder 249, 276
ghostfish 500
globefish 526
glut herring 106
goat 305
goggle-eyed scad 372, 375, 376, 377
goosefish, American 6, 439, 532, 541
European 534, 536
grammicolepid 299
grayback 101
grayfish 34, 47
gray sculpin 449
gray sole 285
gray trout 417
great albacore 338
green cod 213
green-eye 467
green ocean pout 509
green smelt 302
Greenland halibut 248, 258
Greenland sculpin 445
Greenland shark 18, 53
Greenland turbot 258
grenadier, common 243
long-nosed 243, 246
rough-headed 243, 245
grenadiers 243
grilse 121
ground shark 18, 53
grubby 440, 443, 446
Gulf stream flounder 294
gunnel 492
gurnard, flying 172, 472
gurnards 467, 470
gurnards, flying 472
gurry shark 53
gurry sharks 53
gymnuridae 76

hacklehead 449
haddock 173, 183, 185, 199, 221, 289
Jerusalem 247
Norway 430
hagfish 5, 10
hagfishes 9
hairtail 350
hake, black 221
blue 173, 233
Boston 221
cow 221
European 175, 177
long-finned 173, 232
mud 221
New England 173
red 223
silver 173
spotted 173, 230
squirrel 173, 221, 223, 231
white 173, 221, 231
hakeling 173, 233
halfbeak 6, 167, 169
halfbeaks 169
halibut 248
Atlantic 249
Greenland 248, 258
Pacific 253, 254
hammerhead, common 16, 45
hammerhead sharks 44
handsawfish 161
hardhead 333
hardtail 372, 375, 376, 377
harvestfish 363, 368
hatchetfish, silver 141, 149
hatchetfishes 149
headfishes 528
headlight fish 141, 142
hedgehog skate 67
herring 88, 114, 493, 496
branch 101
fall 100
fresh-water 101
glut 106
Labrador 88
round 85, 87
sea 85, 88, 101, 108
shad 100
smelt 139
summer 106
thread 85, 112
Herring Tribe 85
heterodontids 16
hickory shad 85, 100
hogchoker 248, 296
hogfish 524
hook-eared sculpin 440
horsefish 378
horsehead 379
horse mackerel 337, 338
hound, smooth 34
humpback salmon 120, 131

jack 375
Cuban 372, 378, 381
jacks 371
Japanese slime eel 157
Jerusalem haddock 247
John Dory, American 7, 297, 299, 418, 438
European 297
John Dories 297
Johnson's sea bream 361
jumping mullet 305

kelt 121
killifish 162, 164
killifishes 162
kingfish 348, 417, 423, 426
king mackerel 317, 347, 348, 349
King-o'-Norway 454
king whiting 423
kyak 101, 106