FOMB Cybrary

The Cyber-Library

In which we will collect publications, documents, and other materials pertinent to Merrymeeting Bay, especially ones which might not be otherwise readily available.

Information in the Cybrary is divided into general sections in the above Menu at the top of all Index pages. Clicking on the Plus Sign expands or Plus Sign closes an associated list on the Index pages.. Links are shown as Underlined titles. Entries are alphabetical or chronological as appropriate.


Fish, Wildlife, Plants & Habitat in Merrymeeting Bay including information on salmon, American eel, sea lamprey, anadromous fish restoration, sturgeon, habitat, turtles, wetlands, Maine Natural Areas Program survey & many other topics.


Toxins, Pollution, and Water Quality including information on using caged mussels to test for toxins such as PCBs and dioxin in the Bay & tributaries, sources of Bay pollution, water quality testing in the Bay, & other topics.


Hydrology and Geology of Merrymeeting Bay including information about our research on currents in the Bay, hydropower, etc.


Includes documents related to legal cases such as dam relicensing to protect the American eel, endangered species protections, the proposal to put hydroelectric turbines in the Chops, etc.


Includes Kennebec River Resource Mngmt. Plan, general Bay conservation materials, notes on comprehensive planning around the Bay, & other topics.


Includes overview of environmental issues in the Bay, bibliography of environmental resources for the Bay, archaeology, interesting links, & other topics.
